Closer Scrutiny on Foreign Workers in Bali
Bali Labor Officials Says Denpasar Home to Hundreds of Illegal Workers Who Face Deportation When Caught.
Bali News: Closer Scrutiny on Foreign Workers in Bali
(2/12/2011) Data provided by the Social Service and Labor Service of Denpasar (Disonaker) records 556 registered foreign workers employed by companies in Denpasar. At the same time, Disonaker suspects that there are perhaps hundred of illegal foreign workers working illegally in companies domiciled in Bali's capital city.
Quoted in NusaBali, the chief of the Disonaker office in Denpasar, Erwin Suryadarma Sena, said his agency is taking steps to reduce the prevalence of illegal foreign workers. Promising closer supervision of companies suspected of employing foreigners illegally, Sena said, "We will tighten surveillance of these foreign workers."
Senda said that he felt certain that there were hundreds of illegal foreigners working in Denpasar. "Our data shows 556 foreign workers, but we suspect there are many more who are unregistered. We are now urging companies to report all their foreign workers," said Sena.
According to Sena, many foreigners are employed in the tourism, service, education and fisheries sectors of the economy. He said the fisheries industry employed many foreign workers based on the large number of foreign workers visible at Bali's main port of Benoa. Because of this, closer scrutiny of foreign workers is being introduced at the port.
Speaking to the consequence of hiring foreign workers, Sena said foreigners found to be working illegally in Bali face deportation. Companies discovered to be hiring foreigners illegally are normally only given a warning, unless they are determined to be repeat offenders, in which case stronger sanctions are applied.
Source : Bali Discovery Tours